
haiti betrayed - watch free with passcode hb1915

Haiti Betrayed is a film by Elaine Briere that reveals how Canada conspired with the United States and France in 2004 to topple the democratically-elected government. · 2019 · 1h30m · Canada.

truth to the powerless

Truth to the Powerless: An Investigation into Canada's Foreign Policy is a six part documentary series by Pitasanna Shanmugathas which seeks to explore the role Canada's foreign policy has played in the international arena since the post-World War II era. The docuseries interviews Canadian politicians, activists,  dissidents, academics  as well as everyday people  to get their insight and views on the various foreign policy actions which Canada has been involved in around the world. Watch the full series and find out more at:

myths for profit - watch on youtube

MYTHS FOR PROFIT ∣ AMY MILLER, 2009 Canada Canada the global good guy? Lets examine that claim. Essential intro to geopolitics and profits, from NATO to Afghanistan via Kosovo. 'Myths for Profit: Canada's Role In Industries of War and Peace' takes a different approach to peacekeeping, the military and development, raising all sorts of questions along the way. Wide Open Exposure Productions 60 min

we call them intruders - watch the preview

WE CALL THEM INTRUDERS How well do you know your money? Two Vancouver-based filmmakers trace their investments to Canadian mines in Eastern and Southern Africa. If you live and work in Canada, chances are you're connected to Canadian mining companies whether you know it or not through your savings, taxes, Canada Pension Plan contributions, RRSPs and other investments.